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Showing posts from April, 2020

GitFlow in daily development

The master/develop branches: Master Branch: Should be any time production deployable Only two scenario to update master: hotfix. production release. all tags go with master branch No need to have any routine Jenkins task to run any unittest against on this branch. Branch Release Used as stable branch to merge all features/bugs. The feature branches: use  develop  as their parent branch. used to fix bug and add new feature used as internal branch and the life cycle won’t be more 2 weeks as the good practice. start a new feature branch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 git checkout develop # if go with jira, the ticket number will be FWS-1, etc. git checkout -b feature/{ticket number} # use --amend to keep commit transaction clear if possbile. # since sometimes we can't make perfect commit and always forget sth. # do your work git add something git commit -m "first commit" git add anot